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Words to Use Instead of VERY

Describe People's Feeling

  • very happy: thrilled, ecstatic, delighted, overjoyed
  • very sad: devastated, heartbroken, grief-stricken, sorrowful
    • His father's face looked suddenly soft and sorrowful.
  • very upset: distraught
    • I was distraught and let out a bellow of tearful rage.
  • very angry: furious
  • very afraid: fearful
  • very scared: terrified, petrified
  • very worried: distressed, anxious
    • Parents are naturally anxious for their children.
  • very confused: perplexed
    • She is perplexed about what to do for her daughter.
  • very serious: grave
  • very excited: thrilled
  • very tired: exhausted, weary, fatigued
  • very thirsty: parched, dehydrated, dying of thirst
  • very hungry: starving, ravenous, famished
  • very full: stuffed
  • very sleepy: lethargic
    • He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.

Describe People's Character and Personality

  • very nice: kind
  • very clever: intelligent
  • very smart: brilliant, intelligent
  • very wise: sage
  • very dumb: stupid
  • very stupid: idiotic
  • very talented: gifted
  • very friendly: amiable
  • very calm: serene
    • She looked as calm and serene as she always did.
  • very lazy: indolent
  • very cute: adorable
  • very lovely: adorable
  • very sweet: thoughtful
  • very shy: timid
    • A timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age.
  • very careful: cautious
  • very mean: cruel
  • very evil: wicked
  • very fierce: ferocious
  • very special: exceptional
  • very rude: insolent
    • an insolent child/smile

Describle People's Physical Appearance

  • very fat: obese
    • Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.
  • very thin: gaunt
  • very skinny: skeletal
  • very pale: ashen
    • You look pale. Are you OK?
    • His face is ashen and wet with sweat.

Describe Weather

  • very hot: scorching, blistering, sweltering
  • very cold: freezing, frigid, icy
  • very warm: hot
  • very dry: arid
    • arid and semi-arid deserts
  • very wet: soaked
    • You're soaked through.
    • They were soaked to the skin.
    • I have to check my tent - it got soaked last night in the storm.
  • very windy: blustery
  • very rainy: pouring


  • very exciting: exhilarating
    • It was exhilarating to be on the road again and his spirits rose.
  • very scary: chilling
  • very frightening: terrifying
    • It was a terrifying experience.
  • very annoying: infuriating
    • A man of indecision is infuriating to watch.
  • very funny: hilarious
  • very boring: tedious, dull
  • very dull: tedious
  • very beautiful: gorgeous, exquisite, stunning, breathtaking
  • very attractive: charming
  • very ugly: hideous, repulsive, revolting

  • very good: great, excellent, outstanding, superb
  • very great: terrific
  • very perfect: flawless
  • very pretty: beautiful
  • very bad: awful, terrible, dreadful, atrocious

  • very clean: spotless
  • very dirty: filthy

  • very loud: deafening
  • very quiet: hushed,silent
    • The house seemed muted, hashed as if it had been deserted.
    • At first we spoke in hushed voice and crept about in order not to alarm them.

  • very strong: powerful, forceful
  • very powerful: compelling
  • very weak: frail
    • Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.
    • She lay in bed looking frail.

  • very rich: wealthy
  • very poor: destitute
    • When he died, his family was left completely destitute.
    • homelessness and destitution
  • very expensive: costly
    • Buying new furniture may prove too costly.
  • very cheap: stingy

  • very busy: swamped
  • very smelly: pungent
  • very tasty: delicious

  • very simple: basic
  • very shiny: gleaming

  • very soft: downy
  • very smooth: sleek
  • very new: brand new
  • very old: ancient
  • very clear: obvious
  • very open: transparent

  • very bright: luminous, dazzling
    • The luminous dial on the clock showed five minutes to seven.
    • He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun.
  • very colorful: vibrant
  • very lively: animated
  • very fancy: lavish
  • very heavy: leaden

  • very important: crucial
  • very hurt: battered
  • very painful: excruciating

  • very high: lofty
    • a light, lofty apartment in the suburbs of Saizburg.
  • very tall: towering
  • very long: lengthy, extensive
  • very short: brief
  • very large: huge, colossal
    • The singer earns a colossal amount of money.
    • There has been a colossal waste of public money.
  • very big: enormous, huge, gigantic, massive
  • very small: tiny, minuscule, microscopic, petite
    • She was of below average height, petite and slender.
  • very wide: expansive

  • very messy: slovenly
  • very often: frequently

  • very loose: slack
  • very tight: constricting

  • very sorry: apologetic
  • very sure: certain
    • They are certain to agree.
  • very creative: innovative
  • very crowded: bustling
  • very dear: cherished

  • very accurate: exact

  • very easy: effortless, a piece of cake
  • very difficult: arduous
    • The work was arduous.
    • a long, hot and arduous trip.

  • very slow: sluggish
    • The economy remains sluggish.
    • Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.
  • very fast: quick
  • very quick: rapid

  • very deep: profound
  • very empty: desolate

  • very willing: eager
  • very eager: keen
  • very sharp: keen
  • very risky: perilous
    • The road grew even steeper and more perilous.