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Topics and Expressions in English


  • I am fond of cooking.
  • I'm really into cooking.
  • I have culinary skills.
  • I dabble in cooking every now and again.
  • I like to whip something up in the kitchen.
  • I don't have a knack for cooking.
  • I cook scrambled eggs.




  • You are dispensable to your company but indispensable to your family.
  • I will take all my time off I can, and all the sick time off I can as well.
  • She's on leave.
  • How much annual leave do you get?
  • How much paid leave do you get?
  • I'd like to take a sick leave tomorrow.
  • I'd like to take a funeral leave tomrrow.
  • You need to take some leave before the end of the year.
  • Sir, Could I take 4 days off next week?
  • Tom took a day off today.
  • We're taking a vocation in July.
  • They went to Japan on vocation.
  • Are you travelling on vocation or business?


  • The economy is booming.
  • The current political environment is stagflationary, and there are some early signs of stagflation in the data.
  • inflation/deflation/stagflation



  • How did you get to work today?
  • How long does it take you to get to work?
  • There's a bicycle lane all the way to the office.
  • I caught a bus.
  • I took the bus.
  • How much is the bus fare.
  • Where can I get a taxi?
  • You'll never get a taxi in this weather.
  • It took me 45 minutes to reach the office because of the rush hour.
  • I hope I don't get stuck in a traffic jam.
  • I'm stuck in traffic for the past 25 minutes.
  • He's been stuck in the traffic jam for the past 30 minutes.
  • I have to take a detour because the road is blocked ahead.
  • The road is closed because of landslide.
  • Could you please drop me off her?
  • She commutes to work daily by car.
  • At this time of the day, the traffic is heavy on this route.
  • How long does it take to get to the city center.
  • do you have a driver's license?







