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Talk About Jobs

job hunting
job search
to go job hunting
Happy job hunting.
Good luck and good job hunting.
After the house in which they lived was robbed, they had to go job hunting.
to switch careersThere's one about how to nail a job interview and another one about switching careers.
to nail a job interviewto nail something: to do something perfectly, to excel at something
There's one about how to nail a job interview and another one about switching careers.
land an interview
land a job
land sb a job
What is it worth if you were to shorten your job search or land an interview for a better job faster than you were doing this on your own?
That actually could land you a job.
a job openingMay be January 23, you'll be at an event and meet the right person, who will tell you about a job opening.
a job postingI imagine you're also looking at the job posting - right?
That is tailored to each job posting.
If you tend to have a long work history, I'd be very specific about choosing the ones that are relevant to this particular job posting or this opportunity and then listing only those.
to apply for a job
to apply to a college
Including relevant skills from other parts of your life, keeping in mind the job you're applying for.
You can tailor this to the jobs you apply for.
One applies to a college for admission.
One applies to a bank for a job.
be good at sth/ doing sthYou're really good at holding space for people and making them feel welcome and putting them at ease.
be good to do sthIt'd be good to like your job and also get paid fairly for your work.
to excel /ɪkˈsel/ sthI would say something like, excels at X, Y, and Z.
This is a section where you list maximum of 4 to 6 areas where you really excel.
core competencies /ˈkɒmpɪtənsi/I really encourage people to also do a section that you can call core competencies.
In that case, you might actually have 10 core competencies, but you really only pick 3 or 4. And that is tailored to each job posting.
hard skills
soft skills
transferable skills
unpaid community work
volunteer service
freelance /ˈfriːlɑːns/ work
independent work
education or skills development
profession /prəˈfeʃn/
occupation /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/ /ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃ(ə)n/
throw sth outMeaning: to say sth in a way that suggests you have not given it a lot of thought.
So new year, new you, new job - I don't know, just throwing it out there.
to work 40 hours a weekIf you're working, say, 40 hours a week, that is a huge part of life.
be good to do sth, get paid fairlyIt'd be good to like your job and also get paid fairly for your work
there are circumstances /ˈsɜːkəmstənsɪz/ ...,it's time for a change.
with everything that happens nowadays, overtaxedWith everything that happens nowadays, I mean, all of our brains are way overtaxed.
from a memory standpoint,
it's great to do sth,
be actively looking for sth
So even from a memory standpoint, it's great to refresh it every six months even if you're not actively looking for anything.
at an event, a job openingMay be January 23, you'll be at an event and meet the right person, who will tell you about a job opening.
rush home, be cool about it, collectedAnd they'll be like, send me a resume. You don't want to have to rush home and update it then. You want be cool about it, collected.
be ready so you don't have to get readyIt's kind of one of those to be ready so you don't have to get ready type of things.
one step closerWe're going to bring you one step closer to that job you want.
brush upWe're brushing up our resumes.
a few critical components, regardless /rɪˈɡɑːdləs/ of, industry-specific requirementsSo are there a few critical components that every resume should have regardless of industry-specific kind of requirements.
the first thing isThe first thing is, of course, at the top, your name, contact info.
physical addressDo you need to put your physical address?
unless ..., you do not have to do sth , a situation whereNo. Yu know, unless it's a situation where you really want to show that you have local community ties - something like that and it's relevant, you do not have to include that.
to suffice/səˈfaɪs/ to do sthAnd even if you do, it can suffice simply to put a city and a state.
give you an edgeThat will probably give you a bit of an edge, but other than that, no need.
fall under xxx bucketI think this would fall under that everything else is industry-specific kind of bucket.
headshotI would make sure, you know, that it's a great headshot and all of that.
generally speakingBut generally speaking, no
paint a picture, a good fit for this roleTakeway two - after name and contact info, you're going to try to paint a picture of what makes you a good fit for this role.
quote-unquoteIt's also very, very helpful resume "real estate", quote-unquote, right at the top of there.
right off the bat to shape the narrative of waht you bring to the tableYou can then use that opportunity right off the bat to shape the narrative of what you bring to the table, especially if you're someone who other folks tend to underestimate what you bring to the table or you're doing something non-traditional in your career or you're a career changer or something like that.
in the range ofI would say something in the range of three or five lines, really a few sentences at most.
convery, value add, areas of expertise /ˌekspɜːˈtiːz/, excel /ɪkˈsel/What this summary or statement really should convey is who you are, you know, in your career, in a nutshell, who you are, what your value add is, what you bring to the table, what your areas of expertise may be, where you really excel.
paint a pciture ofAnd then paint a little deeper and richer of a picture of who you are as a candidate.
make that really clearI'm not looking for a new job, I want to make that really clear.
wordsmithingSo this will need some wordsmithing.
encapsulate /ɪnˈkæpsjuleɪt/So I would think about a word that kind of encapsulates that.
facilitator /fəˈsɪlɪteɪtə(r)/podcast host and facilitator for mission-driven audio initiatives and organizations.
where you're going with sth , a larger overarching arc to sth, a legacyAnd then the third sentence can be something that's really more about you and where you're going with your career. Like, is there a large overarching arc to your career? Is there a legacy you're buiding?
unique value proposition /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃən/What you are doing here is you're putting your unique value proposition out there. So it's like a business term, but your UVP is, you know, what makes Marielle different from other podcast hosts or other facilitators or other people in audio.
be assertive /əˈsɜːtɪv/ about sth, be memorable to sbYou know, that's what I want to know. And that's the opportunity there - is to take that real estate at the top of the resume and really make that clear and be super assertive about it, cause that's also how you can be memorable to a person looking at a bajillion resumes every day.
cringe, be not alone in sthIt makes me cringe to think about doing that, but I feel like I'm not alone int that, though.
have a hard time doing sth, brag about sbIt is a feeling that people have a hard time bragging about themselves, or even accurately describing what they do well without feeling like it is bragging.
count, presenting your self to sb, for the reality ofIt also does count for something for you as the applicant or someone, you know, presenting yourself to someone else to demonstrate that you know which way is up, that you actually can also see what you have done and what you have achieved and what you have created for the reality of what it it.
barrierIf that's going to be a total barrier and cause someone to not put it out there at all, then , we do need to dig a litter deeper and find out what's behind there.
bear with me on sthThank you for bearing with me on that.
cachet /ˈkæʃeɪ/It seems like it has the most cachet these days.
leading cross-functional teams, cross-generational communication skills, roteI mean, one could be leading cross-functional teams, You know, that one is specific enough that it doesn't feel like rote.
take on challenge of do sth, make it a notch or two more specific, carve /kɑːv/ outI would have take on the challenge of making it jsut a notch or two more specific, similar to that leading cross-functional teams example, so that you really do carve out that space for yourself. and it doesn't feel like, oh, this person just Googled thigns that people like to hire for.
material, copy and paste, tailorYou could have a resume that kind of has - it's, like , never anything that you're going to submit, but it's the one that has all the material in it so that you can kind of copy and paste, cut things to tailor for each particular opportunity.
as long asAs long as they are true.
relevent work experienceSo then I would go to the relevent work experience entries.
work historyThis depends on how long of a work history you have.
the degree and what you majored in.Ususally, what that looks like is the degree and then what you majored in. For example, a B.A. in English literature or a B.S. in chemistry.
spark a connection bewteenIt's important to include the major because you never know what could spark a connection between you and whoever ultimately is reading the resume.

a bullet and concise bullet point. hit that sweet pot with enough detail and metrics or milestones describe and anchor a wall of text

highlights effective household name

keep in mind

modular depending

I think it's just very dependant on the person, the circumstances and the situation.

ease of reference.

hard skills, including language skills, soft skills

push our comfort zone envelope on that

educational experiences

age discrimination

dates of graduation

any awards or accolades /ˈækəˌleɪd/

degree and majored in

award, recognition, certifications, volunteer work or community work.


any licensing

hold a role

So make sure that you're consistant with that formatting through out.

unpaid community work, volunteer service, freelance work, other kinds of indepenant work or education or skills development

traditional salaried employment

kept up to date in


take a while off from working

medial leave sabbatical /səˈbætɪkəl/

on your own hack it together

be better off doing sth

Alumni services

underutilize those

always a delight

standout candidate

Interview Questions

英文面試最常問的12問題 + 如何回答!

Q: Tell me about yourself

A: I graduated with a business degress in 2016 and have been a sales executive at XYZ corporation for over two years. My responsibilites include handing purchase orders, maintaining rapport /ræˈpɔː(r)/ with clients, and developing product solutions through cross-functional communication. My work experiences equipped me with the ability to work quickly under pressure. Right now, I am ready to take my career to the next level, and that's why I'm currently looking for a new opportunity.

Q: Why do you wnat to work here?

A: I believe my experiences with technology and my ability to design and maintain websites make me a good match for this position. Moreover, your company's mission to provide customers with the best user experiences resonates with me.

Q: What interests you about this role?

A: The role interests me because I am looking for an opportunity to exercise my skills with numbers. In addition, my experiences with office software enable me to manage databases well. Furthermore, I feel this postion will allow me to establish meaningful relationship with your vendors and customers.

Q: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

A: A a copywriter, I am confident in my writing skills, and I pay extreme attention to detail. As a result, I know how to shape my writing style for different clients and audiences. I'm also good at managing my time and have never missed a deadline.

As for my greatest weakness, I sometimes find myself rushed while working since I prefer to complete all of my tasks before the deadline. Therefor, I've been trying to be more patient and give each project more thought and attention.

Q: Why did you leave your last job?

A: I was very fortunate to be work at XXX company. They taught me a lot about maketing and product management. However, I'm ready for the next step. I'm seeking to grow my career in a forward-thinking company, so I am now dedicated to finding a position where I can apply my skills.

Q: Why should we hire you?

A: You should hire me because my experience aligns with the requirements you asked for in your job listing. I have been a designer for over eight years, and therefore I'm familiar with the fashion industry. In addition, I enjoy working in a fast-paced envrionment, and I'm able to reslove problem quickly.

Q: Tell me about a time you handled a difficult situation.

A: At current job, a client called late Friday afternoon with an urgent inquiry /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ about a customized product. Making changes to a product usually requires my boss's approval, but she'd already left for the weekend. I told the client that while I might not be able to make a definite promise, I could talk with him through his concerns and brainstorm more ideas for the product. We worked through some questions together, and I provided enough information that the client felt the rest could wait until next week. The client told me that he was grateful for the personal attention.

Q: What makes a good team?

A: To me, a good team is composed of a group of open-minded individuals who can communicate their thoughts and work together to reach the same goals. For instance, in my last job, I was part of a successful engineering team. We had a supportive manager who believed in us and always provided insightful ideas when needed.

Q: What would you do if you disagree with a manager on a topic?

A: It would depend on what my manager is asking me to do. If he/she asked me to do something that contradicts /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt/ my moral beliefs. I would try my best to explain my concerns and find a solution that we could both agree upon. On the other hand, if it were an issue regarding a project, I would politely express my opinions and ultimately respect my manager's final decision.

Q: What are your salary requirements?

A: Based on my previous salary and experiences, I would expect a salary range of XXX to XXX. I'm open to discussing numbers once we've gone through the details of the position.

Q: Tell me about your hopes and dreams.

A: My career goal in the industry is to take on a management role. Currently, I'm focusing on improving my communication and leadership skills through online programs outside of work. I have a passion for working with others to obtain a common goal, and I believe I will make an effective manager in the future.

Q: Do you have any questions?

A: If you were to hire me, what might I expect in a typical day/week?

How do you evaluate success here?

What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

What the New Freelance Economy Means for Your Talent Strategy

change, shift, cultivateWe've talked a lot on this how how the pandemic has changed work and how artificial intelligence is shifting how we work, and even the skills that individuals need to cultivate.
related to sth, shift, at the same timeRelated to all this, there's another major shift happening at the same time, namely in how organizations secure talent.
workplace, enable sth , more of sthBasically, the changing workplace and new digital technologies are enabling more of an open talent strategy.
skilled help, quickly and affordably, on an as-needed basisThat's where a global business can find skilled help quickly and affordably on an as-needed basis.
head toward, closed rank-and-file workforceToday's guests say that we're headed toward this new approach to hiring, one that sees talent as part of an open network, not a closed rank-and-file workforce.
executive-in-residenceHe's also an executive-in-residence at the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard.
top-down wayWhy is hiring and developing talent in the old top-down way not the effective way to do things anymore?
look around, a couple ofWhen you look around the world, there are a couple of big pressures that have happened.
allowed, a crew of micor-entrepreneurs, riseDigital technologies allowed a whole new crew of micro-entrepreneurs to rise.
come fromI come from the advertising business.
back in xxx, work in the advertising businessBack in 2012, there were about 6,000 people globally that worked in the adversting business.
creators, make money from marketingThe difference in the advertising business is now there's 60 million creators on social media that are making money from marketing.
work for a firm, make a really wonderful livingThose are people that don't need to work for a firm anymore, that can make a really wonderful living.
larger than, jsut right behindWhen you look at the amount of money that creators on YouTube make, it's about $39 million. That's larger than the U.S. furniture industry, and just right behind the rail industry.
go do their own things, work when they want and how they wantSo you've got the rise of micor-entrepreneurs that like to go do their own things and work when they want and how they want.
on top of that, a lack of, out thereThat's one pressure. But also, on top of that, there's a lack of tech talent out there.
jobs to be filledKorn Ferry predicts between now and 2030 that there'll be 85 million tech jobs won't be able to be filled.
the reality is, work for youSo the reality is the best talent doesn't want to work for you.
figure out, full-time, engage withAnd if they don't want to work for you, you've got to figure out a new way to engage with them that's not full-time, and that engages with them how they want to be engaged with.
there have always been, freelancers, contract workers, gig/ɡɪɡ/ economy, temp agencies, per se, shift, source peopleThere have always been freelancers. There have always been contract workers. There's been a lot of talks for years about the gig economy. There have always been temp agencies, but the technology and digital platform seem to have really just created a big shift in how you go to source people. It's not temp angencies anymore, per se.
validated talentWhat the platform effectively are enabling is marketplaces with better validated talent.
no one can tellSo rather than what's on your CV, which no one can tell ... Everybody has the same skill, everyone's done the same projects.
specific skill required to master the specific task at handI think they're getting better at thinking about the specific skill required to master the specific task at hand.
accomplish these tasks and goalsSo if I'm a company, whether I'm a small entreprise or medium or large, I need something that's going on to help my team accomplish these tasks and goals.
get good at doing sth, being agile in the way ... , not just ... but ...Organizations need to get pretty good at doing this in terms of being agile, not just in the way they come up with techonology, but in the way that human capital works, and the way they think abou teamwork and staffing and so forth.
assembling , be fluid in the wayAssembling these things together so that it's more fluid in the way that work is performed.
what ..., digital transformationWhat we're seeing is just the digital transformation of an industy.
It's no different than sthIt's no different than search.
what ...I think that's waht we're taking about there.
be open about sthThey're pretty open about the fact that they charge five times sombody's salary.
a lot of friction aroundIt's slow. There's a lot of friction around the cost of matching those people.
economics, full-time job, full-time freelancingThe economics are really interesting to me, partly because I have a lot of friends who have left full-time jobs to do full-time freelancing, essencially.
impression, give up sth to have sthI always had the impression that you had to give up something to have that flexibility.
economicsA lot of friends are making more money now than they were in full-time jobs, and I don't quite understand the economics of that.
have a very skewed point of view of how companies workI'm an entrepreneur and ,over last 25 years, built a few companies on open talent, and so I have a very skewed point of view of how companies work.
be dedicated to doing sthBut most HR department are dedicated to making sure that the talent is happy and talent is there for a long time.
raise their handI always ask, when I'm on the road, "How many companies had a budget for gen AI or AI in general before November of last year?" Nobody raised their hand. And I say, "How many companies have a budget today?" And everybody raised their hand.
my point of view is that ..., in order to do that, fixed cost, varaible costMy point of view is that in order to get to the future and be innovative, you've got to have a really strong balance sheet. In order to do that, you've got to move more costs from fixed cost to variable cost.
work on sth, fullfill the culural obligation, whereas, hire for eight hours, work for eight hoursThe average employee works on the things you hire them to do 35% of the time, as an employee. There are a lot of other things they need to do to fullfill the cultural obligations and things like that, whereas you hire a freelancer and you hire him for eight hours and they work for eight hours.
efficiencyso the efficiency is just much higer.
on top of that, the ... factur that's important to consider, bet on, learnersAnd then on top of that, I think the third factor that's really important to consider is in the AI revolution, I always want to bet on the learners.
be willing to do sthwho's willing to really learn the fastest.
contrast sth to sthAnd one of the things we've found in our research is the average company in the U.S. dedicate 0.3% of employee's salaray towards learning. And you contrast that to freelancers. The average freelancer spend 15% of their time learning.
be ambitious and want to learn, fulfill the current flow of thing and the obligationsI want someboy who's really ambitious and want to learn, and beyond things, not somebody who's just fulfilling the current flow of things and the obligations.
how big of sthHow big of a driving force is artificial intelligence, generative AI, in this shift that we're talking about here?
allow sb to do sthGenerative AI is really allowing people to do their work in more efficient ways, allowing them to solve problems, be creative.
be augmented, a freelance workerIt's not that that work is changing. It's really that it's being augemented, and so someone in an open talent community, a freelance worker or someone looking to do a project, they have more creativity to go look outside the scope of their normally would do it, and they can approach these things.
some of the main aspects of sthWhat are some of the main aspects of an open talent strategy that you think leaders should employing then?