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How to Express Your Opinions in English

Common Phrases for Expressing Opinions

  • I think ... , I really think ...
  • I believe ... , I strongly believe ...
  • I feel ... , I truly feel
  • I suppose ...
  • In my view ...
    • In my view, cruise ships should be banned. They produce massive amounts of waste and use the dirtiest fuel in the world.
  • In my opinion ..., In my honest opinion ...
    • In my opinion, Bangkok has the best street food.
    • In my honest opinion, Bangkok has the best street food, I have never see more choices of what to eat - and everything I've tried has been delicious.
  • In my eyes ...
  • It seems to me that ...
  • From my perspective ...
  • From my point of view ... , From my view point ...
  • As far as I'm concerned ...
  • Personally, I think ...
    • Personally, I think it's quite clear that our traditional view of 'work' has changed a lot since 2019.
  • I would say ...
  • I'd like to point out that ...
  • What I mean is ...
  • Generally it is thought that ...
  • Some people say that ...
  • Well, it is considered that ...
  • It is generally accepted that ...
  • My impression is that ...
  • It goes without saying that ...
  • I hold the view that ...
  • I'm of the opinion that ...

Phrases for Expressing Agreement

  • So do I.
  • Me too.
  • Definitely ..., Absolutely ...
  • Precisely ...
  • I agree ... , Well, I agree with you here ...
  • I totally agree ... , I completely agree ...
    • I completely agree! I couldn't live without beach days and outdoor festivals.
  • I couldn't agree more ...
  • I suppose so ...
  • I think so too ...
  • I see your point ...
  • I see what you are getting at ...
  • I'd go along with that view to a point ...
  • Sure, that's one way of looking at it ...
  • I have to side with you on this one ...
  • I'd go along with that ...
  • That's a good point ...
  • I see exactly what you mean ...
  • You're right, that's a good point ...
  • Actually, I think you're right ...
  • That's true ...
  • You have my full agreement ...
  • I second that ...
  • Ok, that's convincing ...
  • I take your word on it ...
  • You took tht words right out of my mouth ...

Phrases for Expressing Disagreement

  • I disagree ... , I completely disagree ... ,I don't agree ..., Well, I don't quite agree with you ...
  • I don't think so ...
  • Yeah, but ...
    • Yeah, but winter has just as many fun things to do. You just have to dress warmly.
  • Umm, I'm not sure about that ...
  • No, I'm not sure about that because ...
  • I'm not sure I agree with you on ...
  • I'm not sure I go along with that view ...
  • I don't really agree with that idea ...
  • I'm sorry but I don't agree.
  • I'm afraid, I disagree ...
  • I see your point, but ...
  • I see what you're saying, but ...
    • We're paying sky-high rents and other costs. Our business would save a lot of money by changing cities.
      I see what you are saying but, in my view, now is not the right time to leave Log Angelse. The city offers too many incentives.
  • I see what you are getting at, but ...
  • I understand where you're coming from but ...
  • That's one way of looking at it, however ...
  • Well, I see things rather differently ...
  • I agree up to a point, but ...
  • You could say that, however ...
  • I wouldn't quite put it that way myself ...
  • I stll have my doubts ...
  • I can't/couldn't go along with that ...
  • That's out of question ...
  • You've got to be kidding ...
  • Not necessarily ...
  • That's not always true ...
  • There is no way I could agree with that ...
  • We don't seem to be in complete agreement ...

Phrases for Expressing Interruption

  • Sorry to interrupt, but ...
  • Can I add something here ...
  • Is it ok if I jump in for a moment ...
  • If I might add something ...
  • If I may interrupt ...
  • Can I throw my two cents in ...
  • Do you mind if I add something ...
  • Umm, well not really ...
  • Excuse me, but in my opinion ...
  • Are you telling that ...
  • Excuese me for a second, but ...
  • Sorry, but I'm not done yet ...
  • Let me finish what I have to say first ...
  • May I say something here ...
  • Excuse me for inteerupting, but ...
  • Sorry to cut you off, but ...
  • Well, that reminds me that ...
  • So, you're telling me ...
  • I don't mean to intrude, but ...
  • Well, if that is the case ...
  • Sorry, but can you let me finish ...
  • Wait a minute ...
  • Beore you go on, I'd like to say something ...
  • Before you move on, I'd like to say something ...
  • Just a moment, I like to add something here ...