Word Count
Problem Description
Given a string A. The string contains some words separated by spaces.
Return the number of words in the given string.
Problem Constraints
1 <= |A| <= 10^5
Ai = { lowercase English letters or spaces}
Input Format
The first and only argument is a string A.
Output Format
Return an integer.
Example Input
Input 1:
A = "bonjour"
Input 2:
A = "hasta la vista"
Example Output
Output 1:
Output 2:
Example Explanation
Explanation 1:
The string has only one word "bonjour".
Explanation 2:
The string have three words "hasta", "la", "vista".
import Foundation
class Solution {
func solve(_ A: inout String) -> Int {
var count = 0
return A.components(separatedBy:" ").filter{$0.count > 0}.count
// for str in A.components(separatedBy:" ") {
// if !str.isEmpty {
// count += 1
// }
// // count += 1
// }
// return count