Sort array with squares!
Problem Description
Given a sorted array A containing N integers both positive and negative.
You need to create another array containing the squares of all the elements in A and return it in non-decreasing order.
- Try to this in O(N) time.
Problem Constraints
1 <= N <= 10^5.
-10^3 <= A[i] <= 10^3
Input Format
First and only argument is an integer array A.
Output Format
Return a integer array as described in the problem above.
Example Input
Input 1:
A = [-6, -3, -1, 2, 4, 5]
Input 2:
A = [-5, -4, -2, 0, 1]
Example Output
Output 1:
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36]
Output 2:
[0, 1, 4, 16, 25]
import Foundation
class Solution {
func solve(_ A: inout [Int]) -> [Int] {
var B = [Int]()
var pos = A.count
for i in 0..<A.count {
if A[i] >= 0 {
pos = i
var l = pos - 1
var r = pos
while l >= 0 && r < A.count{
var sl = A[l] * A[l]
var sr = A[r] * A[r]
if sl < sr {
l -= 1
} else if sl > sr {
r += 1
} else {
l -= 1
r += 1
if l >= 0 {
for i in 0...l {
B.append(A[l - i] * A[l - i])
if r < A.count {
for i in r..<A.count{
B.append(A[i] * A[i])
return B