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Extracting Numbers

Problem Description

Given a string A. The string contains alphanumeric characters.

Find the sum of all numbers present in it.

Note: All the numbers will fit in a 32-bit signed integer.

Problem Constraints

1 <= |A| <= 10^5
1 <= |A| <= 10^5

Input Format

The first and only argument is a string A.
The first and only argument is a string A.

Output Format

Return an integer.
Return an integer.

Example Input

Input 1:
A = "a12b34c"

Input 2:
A = "123"
Input 1:
A = "a12b34c"

Input 2:
A = "123"

Example Output

Output 1:

Output 2:
Output 1:

Output 2:

Example Explanation

Explanation 1:
The numbers are 12, 34.
12 + 34 = 46

Explanation 2:
The only number is 123.
Explanation 1:
The numbers are 12, 34.
12 + 34 = 46

Explanation 2:
The only number is 123.


import Foundation

class Solution {
	func solve(_ A: inout String) -> Int64 {
        var total:Int64 = 0
        var current:Int64 = 0
        for c in A {
            if c.isNumber{
                current = current * 10 + (Int64(String(c)) ?? 0)
                total += current
                current = 0
        total += current
        return total
import Foundation

class Solution {
	func solve(_ A: inout String) -> Int64 {
        var total:Int64 = 0
        var current:Int64 = 0
        for c in A {
            if c.isNumber{
                current = current * 10 + (Int64(String(c)) ?? 0)
                total += current
                current = 0
        total += current
        return total
